My uncle Jack was the deli man at Sam & Hy's. Other Skokie restaurants included:
Alberti's Pizza in downtown Skokie
The Cork on Dempster
Jake the Master Ribber on Dempster
Eliott's Pine Log on Lincoln & Skokie Blvd
The Fruit Ranch on Dempster, owned by my uncle Larry
The Bird on Dempster in the Skokie Swift Station
Hamburger Hamlet on Dempster
Cock Robin On Skokie Blvd
Burger King on Skokie Blvd
Henry's Drive-In on Skokie Blvd
Buddy's Deli on Church
Bay's on Lincoln
I vaguely remember "The Cork" was it like Chance's R where EJ'S is near Old Orchard Road and Skokie Blvd? I remember going there as a kid on Halloween once and the hostess was dressed like a witch. In her witchy voice she came up to the table next to ours and told the kids, "Eat more sandwhich and less fries!" I thought the kid was goimg to wet his pants he was so scared!
It was one of those places that you could throw the peanut shells on the ground ala "The Ground Round" (In Plaza Del Lago Willmette) and "The Pickle Barrel" on Howard and Western.
I must say a big whole hearted "Thank You" to all that have replied so far. Any help in helping me remember early childhood restaurant experiences is greatly appricatied.
Chef Joe