I was at Bixi earlier this week for the O&E residency and our experience was mixed. Burgers were great and it had been so long since I'd had one, a wave of pleasant memories rushed over me the moment I tasted it. Perhaps a bit saltier than optimal, it still really hit the spot. Chips served with the burgers were crammed into their metal serving cup and really suffered for it texturally. Mostly mushy.
As for the rest, unfortunately, it was more in line with the chips than the burger. From the moment we entered the space, it smelled strongly of fish, and not in an appetizing way. Pork Rinds were rock hard and barely edible. Scotch egg was practically cold and not anywhere as special as I remembered it. Pasty, pronounced
paste-y by our server was tasty enough with a flaky crust but it had some pretty gristly chunks of meat in it. Service was robotic and perfunctory at best. As much as I'd looked forward to it, the experience felt very much like a zombie version of Owen & Engine.
Same planet, different world