jnm123 wrote::::sigh::: 'JE-sus, Mary & Joseph...' (in Irish brogue)
Maybe I need to get out more, but I never heard of this doofus. And from his attitude, I figured just on geography alone he was gonna tear Wells Bros. a new one.
Had this idiot's delight NOT had pizza grease oozing out his pores, and had he NOT taken a piece while standing outside in the middle of winter (if that's his modus operandi, then Salut, Don Corleone) he might have been able to savor the subtleties that places Wells Bros. at the top of the heap.
"Oh, this is Milwaukee pizza." (It's Racine, you
stugats, and there's really no such thing as that 'style'.) "It's thinner than tavern-style." (It's not.) "Love the undercarriage." (Go get your shine box...)
But...this ignoramus is worth $120M. So there's that. :::looking for shine box:::
This is your first time seeing one of his videos? Let me fill in a few blanks.
- He only gets cheese pizzas to compare apples to apples. (As I typically do out East even though I usually get sausage on my tavern-style at home like I had at Kaiser's). He prefers it very thin (overall), crisp and well done with not too much cheese (all things I look for in a pizza).
- Geography. He isn't the one researching where to go (he does have a big company to run plus lots of other ventures) so imagine not having a clue where your driver took you, then they say "We're here," and you think you are still in Milwaukee, but you really have no idea because you may have been on the phone doing business or personal calls or who knows. He can be a deer in the headlights when it comes to location and usually asks, "Where are we again?" The idiot cameraman may not even remember sometimes and on that day it was below zero so I don't think they care. The fans can easily look up where Wells Brothers is.
- Weather. He doesn't care how cold, hot, rainy, snowy, windy it gets. If he's in town, you are getting your review as he travels a lot and doesn't know where he'll be but he wants to hit everything. He does it immediately after it's out of the oven (if timed right); don't have it sitting waiting, that never goes well (and I hate it when it's my pizza) so even though it's freezing, he may still be blowing on it.
- He cannot understand why Chicago and Wisconsin pizza boxes have hinges that lock the box and he plays up to the "difficulty" in opening them as to illustrate how pointless the boxes are (and I have to admit, it's a lot easier to open the boxes without them but personally I don't care either way).
- He is putting on a little show for the locker room/sports guys that are his fans and like his style of talking. For those who get offended, too bad. He has so many fans someone is always honking or shouting during every review no matter where it is. He can be a genuine nice guy as well. He knows that his scores can hurt a small business and he loves meeting a lot of the owners but he hates when they know it's him and try to influence him with bribes or "re-cooks." He wants to judge your pizza based on how you give it to the average person. He also doesn't like (rightly so) when the owner stands there waiting for the score. I personally would hate it too. "No pressure" as Dave says while the owner is standing there smiling. He likes to rip on chains and gimmick pizzas.
- He grew up in the north suburbs of Boston and in my opinion is a Johnny come lately to pizza because I knew many of the famous places he eventually went to and he lives a only few hours from places like New Haven and New York yet never went to them?! I would have been going over 30 years ago for all that pizza had I lived close by! He thinks Detroit pizza is good, but typically scores those around 7.6. Neapolitan he typically gives 6.8. He grew up with Massachusetts style bar pies, not New York or New Haven style. He did like Malnati's and Giordano's here.
- He is doing everyone a great service with these reviews and putting many places on the map for us. I have been to dozens and dozens of places he has reviewed (many I didn't know about). I don't always agree with him but sometimes he's on the mark.
- Once Dave reviews a pizzeria and he likes it they will be overwhelmed with explosive growth. It will take time for the wave of interest to die back down if it ever does. The regular patrons hate it (for good reason) because their go-to pizza joint is now super busy. Now that his scores are up forever, places like Sally's (9.2) are likely to be slammed for a long time because many people are now more inclined to make the trip. It's a blessing and a curse I guess.
- He was told by a server at Zaffiro's that Milwaukee style thin is
always thinner than Chicago tavern style literally the day before the Wells Brothers review so he thinks she was right and is
why he said it. We know that is not always the case (Pat's, Countryside Saloon, Joe's Italian Villa, Vito and Nick's, etc) but Zaffiros (and Maria's, Wells Brothers) are all thinner than most Chicago thin joints - especially the mom and pop generic recipe that most around Chicago have with the thicker cardboard crust.
- His biggest mistake is not getting sausage in Chicago or Wisconsin because that is what we are known for. Our thin tavern-style pizza reaches another level with sausage but to me a tavern-cheese pizza is not usually going to compete with the greats of the East Coast. I am the first to admit that. Their dough is superior. You could easily make a bread from their dough, not Chicago pizza dough. But I feel if someone was able to let him try Vito and Nick's or Wells Brothers with sausage those scores would go up a bit. East Coast sausage is typically inferior (although Zuppardi's in West Haven, CT is as good as ours). The sauce and cheeses are quite different as well. But if you ask me that's exactly how I want it. I love that it's all different. And no one city is clearly better than the other for pizza.
- He did like Vito and Nick's and Wells Brothers equally - two of my favorites (plus Barnaby's of Northbrook had a solid score) so the cream does rise to the top
- I think the ghosts of Chicago threw a little karma on him for giving lesser scores to Chicago pizzerias during a review of Salerno's because he bit his tongue really bad during the review and he had to "play hurt" for other reviews. So I guess the old-timers may have been telling him to go get his shinebox from beyond the grave?
Last edited by
Ram4 on February 12th, 2023, 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.