These shots are actually from a few months ago, but I hadn't seen this thread until now. I had seen a
video online of Heston Blumenthal making pizza, and liked the idea of using a heated cast iron pan to cook the pizza on under the broiler (so, the latent heat in the pan cooks the bottom, broiler hits the top). Needless to say, I couldn't quite make it work. My broiler just doesn't put out the heat that I needed and overall it was a failure.
My only real homemade pizza success has been on the grill, so I decided to take the cast iron pan outside and try a combined approach. I put the pan upside down on the grate, waited for it to get nice and hot, and slid a pizza off the peel and on to the hot cast iron.
Cast Iron Pan on the Grill, attempt #1
As you can see, the bottom got a little overdone... in about a minute. I like a good char, but this was just a bit too much (note: the pizza did not go to waste, all was consumed).
Attempt #2
I let the coals cool down a bit, moved them towards the edge of the Weber (so that the heat wasn't so concentrated under the cast iron pan), and the results were *much* better.
Attempt #2, bird's eye view
The top didn't really get browned - I need to work on getting the whole inside of the Weber heated up more so that there's more heat hitting the top. Perhaps one of the LTH Weber Masters can chime in here with some advice? My thought was to have the coals in a ring at the outer edge of the grill, with the vents wide open... who knows. I'll have to experiment more.
The results weren't perfect, but they were way better than most of my homemade pizza attempts. Grilling the pizza directly on the grate works quite well, but is so timing sensitive (lay down the dough, flip it, top the pizza, put on the lid and hope everything heats through before the crust burns). With this approach, you can get your pizzas ready and topped on a peel, then slide the whole thing on to the cast iron, put the lid on, and just wait a couple of minutes.
Now I just need a bigger cast iron pan... The
Lodge 14" Cast Iron Pizza Pan seems like it would be perfect...
Effete and self-important snooty-pants dilettante.