Since there is a Penzy's in Kenosha, when I was purchasing from Penzy's. it was very simple but after I changed to the Spice House, mail order was the rule and I don’t remember any appreciable delays.
But there are differences between Penzy's and the Spice House.
Some are simple like the bay leaves from the Spice house are very small where they are larger from Penzy's. The Spice House also has some Arab/African blends not offered by Penzy's. I use these to get baselines on my own blends from on-line recipes.
You cannot trust anything on-line, from sites trying to get clicks.
I find that most of the recipes/blends are poor imitations/substitutes for the real item.
I did take advantage of the recent 50% discount offered by Penzy's and loaded up!
Hopefully others will Post if and when that discount occurs again because I have cut off all communication from Penzy’s.
Bill has cut off his nose and I don’t want to do the same thing!
A 50% discount is a 50% discount no matter who offers it!