toria wrote:I want to buy some more spices for Indian cooking. I could go to the Indian store to buy it but usually the bags are so big I end up throwing it out after a while. I'm thinking of going to Penzey's or the Spice House to buy some spices. I've never been to either. They seem to have what I am looking for. Do you think their spices will be as good or better than the Indian store spices? Probably more expensive but I'm willing to pay more for high quality.
The only thing in the Indian stores I'm not really familiar with the brands and I don't know if what they are selling is high quality either. Pls advise.
toria wrote:thanks everyone. I'll make a visit to Spice House and Penzy's. I'll buy some there. I'll keep going to Indian stores too. The ones I go to are in Naperville and Westmont....closer to my house.
Penzy's offers high quality spices, though I prefer The Spice House brick and mortar stores to Penzy's. Same high quality spices, but The Spice House shops allow one to buy by weight, Penzy's spices are all prepackaged. Being able to buy specific amounts at The Spice House, 11-oz half/sharp paprika, 3-oz thyme etc, is important to me as I regularly make various BBQ rubs and spice blends by weight.budrichard wrote:You cannot get higher quality than Penzy's.-Dick
NFriday wrote:Hi- I did not find anything limited to Penzey's, and so I am posting here. While I was walking home from Whole Foods tonight, I passed by what was the location of a spice place on Sherman that used to have a stall at the farmer's market. I went in the store one time, but I was unimpressed, and Cinnamon Girl said it was a franchise. When I passed the store today, I saw a sign saying Penzey's Spices opening soon. The store is listed on their website as opening soon. This location is more convenient to me than the Spice House, because I can walk there, and the Spice House is a hike for me, and if I drive, I've got to pay for parking. I am just curious though why they think there is enough business in Evanston to support two spice places?
Has anybody here ever shopped at any of Penzey's stores? I am curious if you can get spices in one ounce bags in their stores. Are their prices comparable to the Spice House? I know the quality of the spices for both places used to be outstanding. I don't know if the quality of the spices at the Spice House has diminished since it was sold. I thought people might be interested in this new development.
Well, there is no thyme like the present to make that joke. Go for it.Telegram Sam wrote:There should be a joke about Sage Advice in this thread.
NFriday wrote:I have never ordered spices from Penzey's. Are they any cheaper than Spice House?