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  • The Weekly Flyer

    Post #1 - April 20th, 2022, 4:33 pm
    Post #1 - April 20th, 2022, 4:33 pm Post #1 - April 20th, 2022, 4:33 pm
    I ensue a new thread here in which I remark about the grocery store flyers, coupons, and other offers in this week's Inside Shopper package.
    Some of you may recall that I had difficulty getting on the list of addresses receiving this package spanning back to when I cancelled the daily delivery of the Chicago newspaper rag which distributes it. I would (and did) resort to walking down the block here in 60641 and scarfing the package from the domiciles where nobody lived. I will still sporadically do this if there is a solid coupon sheet in it that week.
    I mention the ZIP Code above because this is probably what decides the content included. I have rarely scarfed a package from another ZIP Code and discovered different offerings than from 60641.
    {Where would that be? I may as well be transparent. When I want to get something from Mr. D's Shish-kabobs @ Diversey and Normandy, since I am limited to two transfers on C T A lines, I take the #77 Belmont bus west to Normandy Ave. and walk the four blocks south on Normandy. There are a number of obviously unoccupied domiciles along this way with in some instances multiple weeks' worth of this package lying on their sidewalk. This ZIP Code is 60707. Somebody should make the effort to at least get that week's package out of there lest a squatter decide to try and break in to that house. To return here, I ride the #76 Diversey bus to Cicero and the #54 bus north.}
    Here is what was this week's (20 April 2022) package.
    There have been changes over the past few months. The outside paper wrapper has two competing ads for bathroom remodelers, one ad for other home remodelers, and an ad for numismatic speculators; this week offering U.S. $20 gold coins. Some weeks, one of these pages include 10 coupons for Burger King. Aldi used to include its one-page weekly flyer in it, but it has not been in any since the end of March. Food4Less has not been in it at all in 2022. The supermarkets which are
    • Jewel-Osco
    • Cermak Produce #2
    • Cermak Fresh Market 16 & 18
    • Tony's Fresh Market (6 shops on the NW side incl. both on W. Belmont)
    • and the surprise new for this week Angelo Caputo's (Elmwood Park, Addison, Carol Stream, Hanover Park)
    The Angelo Caputo ad is valid through 3 May, and the glossy flyer has a coupon for $5.00 off a $50.00+ purchase. Angelo Caputo's ads were included in the batch delivered to 60707, and the other grocer also therein was Butera.
    There are also flyers for Menards and The Home Depot; and the Vericast coupon booklet which encompasses the Family Dollar flyer.
    This week had the 20 coupon glossy sheet from Burger King. The coupons expire 26 June. QSR Magazine reported that BK is going to discontinue paper coupons in favor of its app, so this may be the last issue. However, some of the offers have changed, so it might not be. Perhaps next week will have the 10 coupons on the outside wrapper.
    On rare occasions, Culver includes a glossy coupon page in this, and White Castle has included coupons.
    The other significant offer is the resumption of the AT&T glossy ad advertising Fiber Broadband. This is how and where I began exploring Fiber Broadband last summer. The price for 1GB Fiber is now shown as $80 | month, but I suspect you could get it for $70 by going into live chat and uttering "XFinity" to the respondent. However, you would get only $150 in a Visa Debit Card. I got $200 in two cards. The 1GB offer includes HBO Max for one year. I keenly recommend signing up for 1GB if it is available at your address. Check Best Neighborhood's Fiber map. It is updated more frequently than the FCC governmental map. Other speeds offered are 500 & 300 Mbps.
    That is this week's flyer package. If you get a different packet in your ZIP Code, kindly reply here.
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  • Post #2 - April 24th, 2022, 8:59 pm
    Post #2 - April 24th, 2022, 8:59 pm Post #2 - April 24th, 2022, 8:59 pm
    Here then, is the second section of this post in 'Eating Out in Chicagoland'.
    I was heading to Ravinia Brwg. on W. Diversey Ave., so I did not really need to preserve a second transfer. But, since I indicated in the previous post in this thread that I will scarf the weekly flyer from the sidewalk in front of unoccupied domiciles in other ZIP Codes; let's learn what these persons were offered.
    One small correction: The ZIP Code for these blocks on N. Normandy Ave. is 60634. However, Mr. D's address on W. Diversey is in 60707. What will positively identify this flyer route is = Area: 0116 Rte.: V60634F1-LYNCH
    Let me explain how I justify scarfing these packages. They are delivered on Tuesday afternoon. If I walk by the domicile on Thursday, and they're still on the sidewalk, it is pretty obvious nobody is there this week. And further, this week, it rained on Wednesday. They got damp. So I had to let them dry off before inspecting the contents.

    There are a whole lot of differences involved compared with the flyer deposited at the abode here in Cragin, starting with the outer paper wrapper.
    The front page has an ad for a slots & video gaming venue called The Sports Nook on W. Grand Ave. in Elmwood Park. There are four coupons on the page. The back page has an ad for a lawn care company. Page 2 has an ad for a check-printing outfit. How quaint. Is anybody actually still cutting a personal check to access funds? :?:
    But here is a significant advert (page 3): Coupons for Brown's Chicken. Five addresses shown: Skokie, Melrose Park, Elk Grove Village, Northbrook, & Downers Grove. Including coupons for group catering.
    Let us proceed to what is inside the pack.
    • A leaf & filter gutter protection ad.
    • A knee pain treatment ad.
    • Midwest Furniture Liquidators (open only Fri-Sun in Mokena, Schaumburg)
    • Menards
    • Tony's Fresh Market {the same five stores as my ad}
    • Jewel-Osco
    • a regular Angelo Caputo's Fresh Market ad {all eight stores}
    • the two-week Angelo Caputo's ad with the $5.00 discount for $50.00+ {four stores}
    • Butera Fruit Market {looking similar to Piggly Wiggly ads in Wisconsin} {13 stores}
    • WTH! They get an Aldi ad. :!: :?: This mildly perturbs me. I can recall one Aldi store in this flyer's area - in the plaza at Grand | Fullerton | Narragansett.
    • The AT&T Fiber ad is included. AT&T is seemingly continuing to build out its Fiber connectivity on the northwest side.
    • The 20-coupon glossy sheet of Burger King coupons.
    • The Vericast coupon booklet with the Family Dollar ad.

    Will I do this every week? No. Although it would not be a bad move to take out (or eat in) from Mr. D's Shishkabobs every week. I will only do this if there are fast food coupons in that week's flyer. This week has Brown's & Burger King. Burger King may not do this much longer. But there have been weeks with coupons from Popeye's, Wendy's, Culver, and White Castle.
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  • Post #3 - April 25th, 2022, 7:52 am
    Post #3 - April 25th, 2022, 7:52 am Post #3 - April 25th, 2022, 7:52 am

    I am 60035 zip code, my weekly flyer has ads from:
    - Heinen's
    - Jewel
    - Lewis Fresh in Waukegan
    - Mariano's
    - Sunset Foods

    There are other inserts I never pay attention to beyond placing them in the recycling bin: replacement windows, hardware stores or nothing I can cook or eat, so it is not interesting.

    Every few issues there are coupons from Burger King and Brown's Chicken in Waukegan. I never have the Brown's coupon with me anytime I may be near.

    Whenever I am in Waukegan, I do visit Lewis Fresh. Last week, they had Black Pomfret for $1.99 per pound. My Dad was passing nearby, so I asked him to pick up one fish. This was frozen from China with the scales still on and the innards still present, but it was swift work to deal with. It was enjoyed sufficiently, my Dad picked up eight more fish.

    Lewis Market also offers Halal meat often featured in their ads. I met a Muslim who advised there is a Halal butcher somewhere on Sheridan Road. She was quite specific on where and I forgot.

    On Tuesdays, I usually check Jewel and Mariano's ads from this week and next. If there is something I need and it is on sale beginning on Wednesday, I wait. Sometimes something is going off sale I want, so I trot over to pick it up.

    While I really do not need the insert, because I can find everything online. My Mom loves to give them a look over with suggestions on what to buy.


    "You'll be remembered long after you're dead if you make good gravy, mashed potatoes and biscuits." -- Nathalie Dupree
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  • Post #4 - April 25th, 2022, 10:28 am
    Post #4 - April 25th, 2022, 10:28 am Post #4 - April 25th, 2022, 10:28 am
    I worked for the publication that delivers those for many, many years, and I can verify that they are very, very specifically zoned. Which coupons are distributed and where they are distributed vary greatly based on store/restaurant locations, but also are very heavily dependent on how big a buy the advertiser ordered. If for example, a smaller grocer buys 100K flyers or less, they will be zoned around a specific store and neighborhood. For some of the larger stores, like a Jewel-Osco, the sale items/ coupons may be slightly different in different neighborhoods.

    By policy, the delivery agents are not supposed to leave a new flyer if last weeks is still present. Similarly, if you are a subscriber to the paper, they shouldn't deliver a new paper if more than one exists on the stoop. This is to prevent people from targeting vacant houses or those who are on vacation and didn't pause delivery. In reality, this policy is followed sporadically. It's also why because its a "freebie" those that call to stop or start its delivery will get inconsistent results.
  • Post #5 - April 25th, 2022, 7:58 pm
    Post #5 - April 25th, 2022, 7:58 pm Post #5 - April 25th, 2022, 7:58 pm
    We live out in 60083 and get our ad packet with the Tribune on Wednesday. Neighbors who don't get the newspaper receive their ads in the US mail on Tuesday. Like Cathy said, it's an advantage to get the ads on Tuesday because then you can game the Tuesday night vs Wednesday shopping to get the most sale items. We always get JewelOsco, nearly always Lewis and Tony's, sometimes Zion Piggly Wiggly and Aldi, sometimes Butera (it's one or the other of those combos, not both) and rarely Marianos. Once in a great while, Farm&Fleet or SaveALot. There's often a wrapper with some sort of fast food coupons (or non-coupons in the case of KFC), phone/internet/tv, or odd junk like sketchy arthritis remedies.
    I truly prefer paper ads to online ones because I feel that I can read them much faster and more efficiently. And I find that when we don't get ads from stores, I'm much less likely to go to those stores. Not because I'm miffed at them, it's just that they fade from my awareness. CVS is a good example. When we got weekly CVS ads, I would stop there for interesting specials every few weeks. Now I can't remember the last time I went to CVS. Might have been October. I think they email me ads but they just get lost in the megamountain of emails.
  • Post #6 - April 26th, 2022, 6:54 am
    Post #6 - April 26th, 2022, 6:54 am Post #6 - April 26th, 2022, 6:54 am
    tjr wrote:I truly prefer paper ads to online ones because I feel that I can read them much faster and more efficiently. And I find that when we don't get ads from stores, I'm much less likely to go to those stores. Not because I'm miffed at them, it's just that they fade from my awareness.

    I also prefer paper ads. I do take the time to read the grocery ads online,because after all,food is a necessity. As far as the other stores that don't do paper ads anymore....Out of sight...Out of mind.
  • Post #7 - April 26th, 2022, 8:53 am
    Post #7 - April 26th, 2022, 8:53 am Post #7 - April 26th, 2022, 8:53 am
    I noticed for at least a year now Walgreens doesn't send out paper weekly flyers anymore. I assume this is to save $$$ on advertising but probably effects there target consumer which tends to be older and less tech savvy.
  • Post #8 - April 26th, 2022, 9:13 am
    Post #8 - April 26th, 2022, 9:13 am Post #8 - April 26th, 2022, 9:13 am
    I'm fully off of the paper ads.
    I create my online list, and streamline the "in store" process.
    I basically only shop at Jewel, Aldi, Tony's, and my lil fruit market down the street. All 4 places are a stone's throw away, and I can run in and out during the day while I'm working at home, so crowds aren't really a thing, except at Jewel, since they kinda limit their payroll on cashiers during weekdays - understandable.

    My m.o. is to check the online sales flyers on Wednesday (thanks, Jewel, for letting me preview on Tuesdays!) Then I can cross ref everything and figure out a loose menu for the week, or figure out what to pull from the freezer because there's something decent to buy to throw in the freezer to replace it. I also check Peoria Packing and Shop&Save, but those are rare visits unless something is strikingly worthy.

    After cross ref, I have a list of each joint's best items that we'd actually need or want. The whole process takes about 20 minutes, and then when I'm in store, I can just have complete tunnel vision, but I can also spend a few minutes looking at clearanced oddities. One good thing that's come out of it, is that I can share my list with that one lady I'm married to, and I can send her to a store and she won't come home with a rock hard avocado, a frozen goose, and 4 sleeves of leeks instead of the gallon of milk and loaf of bread that we needed. But that's kind of a side note.
    We cannot be friends if you do not know the difference between Mayo and Miracle Whip.
    Pronoun: That fool over there
    Identifies as: A human that doesn't need to "identify as" something to try to somehow be interesting.
  • Post #9 - May 2nd, 2022, 2:01 pm
    Post #9 - May 2nd, 2022, 2:01 pm Post #9 - May 2nd, 2022, 2:01 pm
    So let's see what was in this week's flyer package.
    It did not appear here until Wednesday for some unknown reason.
    I mentioned that some weeks, we have coupons on the outer paper sheath. This is one of those weeks. Intriguingly, the coupons are from White Castle (not Burger King), and they're on page 1. They are not that solid, featuring "buy 1, get 1 free" Castle combos, double cheeseburgers, fish slider, & breakfast waffle slider. Probably the best coupon here is $3 off a $10+ purchase. The coupons expire on 31 May 2022. The illustration boosts "the 1921 slider", with more toppings that can fall out of it, free in the app. :(
    The other ads on the paper sheath are for the bathroom remodelers (2), & the gutter coverer.
    The package also has a glossy coupon sheet from Popeye's. It is 2 x 8, with the same coupons on each side. The chicken sandwich is part of the illustration, but there is never a coupon for it in these (& the price of it has gone from $3.99 to $4.49). The coupons offer three piece tenders, two piece chicken, five piece chicken or tenders, & ten piece mixed chicken or tenders; with varying numbers of sides and biscuits. The coupons expire on 15 July 2022.
    Inside, the AT&T Fiber ad is in again. Making another appearance are Menards, Centro Fresh Market, Cermak Produce #2, Cermak Fresh Market #16 & #18, Tony's Fresh Market (the 5 NW side shops), and the Jewel-Osco ad - which has a useless partial overwrap on its left; just for a benign QR code to see a video. :P It is the week when we get the one-page glossy Latinx page with offers valid thru 31 May.
    No Aldi ad again. Nothing from Angelo Caputo's, or Butera (but I did not expect that). The only new offer in here is a glossy ad for Geico insurance local offices (6).
    In contemplation, this is something I wanted more than the two flyers it left here at the abode. But, it was not one which would be coupled with a jaunt to Mr. D's Shish-Kabobs. I just walked a couple of blocks around this Cragin neighborhood on Friday. I found more delivered flyers at unoccupied domiciles which I scarfed. I really do not understand why the daily newspaper rag keeps leaving these flyers at these addresses, but I have no compunctions against capitalizing on its folly.
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  • Post #10 - May 4th, 2022, 4:32 pm
    Post #10 - May 4th, 2022, 4:32 pm Post #10 - May 4th, 2022, 4:32 pm
    Week #3: The flyer did not arrive here until after 4:00 pm on Wednesday. :(
    The outer sheath is very different from last week. Page 1 has a cigar-purchasing scheme (invalid in Utah). Page 2 has the 10-coupon ad for Burger King. These are valid thru 17 July 2022. What was that blurb about putting all the deals in the app, and not on paper? {I would register for a 'Royal Perks' account, but for some bizarre reason, Burger King does not like my e-mail address beginning with 'burgerking1'. Little Caesars has no objection to it.} Page 3 has an Omaha Steaks meat-grilling scheme. Page 4 has a numismatic scheme with $50.00 gold coins.
    Let us proceed to what is inside the sheath.
    • A Vericast coupon booklet with fairly good manufacturer coupons from Maybelline, Eggland, Purina {none that I need for Mirko} - valid only thru 29 May, Nature's Bounty, Dial | Right Guard, contact lens solutions, shavers, hair color, 9 Elements, Bengay, Tylenol, Polident, Lindor's chocolate, jewelry, checks :roll:, and eyeglasses from JC Penney,
    • A Unilever brands glossy ad with skin care coupons only valid thru the 14th.
    • Menards {Is anyone fooled by the Menards "sale" ruse? The "11% off" is a rebate card valid only at Menards. You are not saving any money. :evil: You have to keep shopping at Menards.}
    • Tony's Fresh Market {the same five stores on the NW side}
    • Jewel-Osco
    • A glossy sheet of Kentucky Fried Chicken coupons (12) valid thru 8 August 2022
    • The AT&T Fiber ad
    • Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage]
    • Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont - a former Jewel-Osco store]
    • Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey.]
    No Aldi ad again.
    I believe I have enough Burger King coupons that I don't need to walk around the neighborhood looking for more. I am also less than eager to order food from KFC, so I don't need more of those either. This week was merely OK for me. Your mileage may vary.
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  • Post #11 - May 12th, 2022, 11:20 am
    Post #11 - May 12th, 2022, 11:20 am Post #11 - May 12th, 2022, 11:20 am
    Week #4: What are we offered this week?
    The outer sheath is not that different from last week. Page 1 has a cigar-purchasing scheme (invalid in Utah). Page 2 has the roof gutter protection offer. Page 3 has a dental insurance pitch. Page 4 has a numismatic scheme with five-dollar gold coins.
    Let us proceed to what is inside the sheath.
    I will not bury the lead this week. There are no coupons for any restaurant chain. We get the questionable 11% off advert from Menards, the AT&T Fiber sheet (repeating - the deal here is for 1GB, listed @ $80.00 | month, but which you can likely haggle down to $70.00 by dropping the X word and which also throws-in HBOMax), the Jewel-Osco ad, the Tony's Fresh Market ad (these are the ones I hang on to for the week), Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.], a two-week ad flyer for Centro Fresh Market [4804 W. Diversey Ave.] These last four grocery stores are angling for Latinx customers, but they seemingly charge more for the items which you can obtain at Jewel, Tony's, & Butera. No Aldi ad again; no Angelo Caputo ad. I should mention there is no Food4Less or Mariano's ad also. I wonder if Kroger is distributing those flyers anywhere on the northwest side?
    This is the base level for the weekly flyer dropped off here in 60641. I do not need to go anywhere else to scarf more packs. It is just as well; since Illinois Craft Beer Week begins on Friday, and I will do beer events during this span.
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  • Post #12 - May 19th, 2022, 3:29 pm
    Post #12 - May 19th, 2022, 3:29 pm Post #12 - May 19th, 2022, 3:29 pm
    Week #5: Anything good this week?
    A different outer sheath to start. Page 1 has a dental plans offer. Page 2 has a pitch for paper checks. :roll:
    Pages 3 and 4 serve ads from a home security service.
    There is one coupon sheet which you may appreciate. The back page of the included Vericast booklet has six coupons for Krispy Kreme donuts. I cut these out and save them, but I don't think I would use them unless I was heading to a meetup somewhere. I also could not inform you offhand where is a Krispy Kreme donut shop close to 60641. I would not get through a dozen donuts before they became hard.
    You might also find useful the products being offered in the Vericast booklet. (I did not.)
    The AT&T Fiber ad is not included this week.
    We get a new advertiser selling furniture. The questionable 11% off advert from Menards makes another appearance. The typical standby Jewel-Osco and the Tony's Fresh Market ad (these are the ones I hang on to for the week), Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present. There is no Aldi ad; but an Angelo Caputo ad for four stores including the one in Elmwood Park has the $5 off $50+ coupon. I should mention there is no Food4Less or Mariano's ad.
    I have no intention to try and scarf more flyer packs.
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  • Post #13 - May 19th, 2022, 6:54 pm
    Post #13 - May 19th, 2022, 6:54 pm Post #13 - May 19th, 2022, 6:54 pm
    pudgym29 wrote: Week #5: Anything good this week?
    A different outer sheath to start. Page 1 has a dental plans offer. Page 2 has a pitch for paper checks. :roll:
    Pages 3 and 4 serve ads from a home security service.
    There is one coupon sheet which you may appreciate. The back page of the included Vericast booklet has six coupons for Krispy Kreme donuts. I cut these out and save them, but I don't think I would use them unless I was heading to a meetup somewhere. I also could not inform you offhand where is a Krispy Kreme donut shop close to 60641. I would not get through a dozen donuts before they became hard.
    You might also find useful the products being offered in the Vericast booklet. (I did not.)
    The AT&T Fiber ad is not included this week.
    We get a new advertiser selling furniture. The questionable 11% off advert from Menards makes another appearance. The typical standby Jewel-Osco and the Tony's Fresh Market ad (these are the ones I hang on to for the week), Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present. There is no Aldi ad; but an Angelo Caputo ad for four stores including the one in Elmwood Park has the $5 off $50+ coupon. I should mention there is no Food4Less or Mariano's ad.
    I have no intention to try and scarf more flyer packs.

    According to their website, the nearest Krispy Kreme to you is 108 N State Street.
  • Post #14 - May 28th, 2022, 1:35 pm
    Post #14 - May 28th, 2022, 1:35 pm Post #14 - May 28th, 2022, 1:35 pm
    Week #6: This week saw an unanticipated turn.
    There are coupons in this week's flyer - from Burger King. I think its right hand (the app) does not know what its left hand (the coupon sheet) is still doing.

    The outer sheath has: Page 1 - An ad for MattressFirm. I could actually use this. My mattress is warped in the middle and has spots where the spring has burst thru. The snag is installing a new full | double mattress is a two-person task. Page 2 has a bathroom remodelling offer. Page 3 has another pitch for paper checks. :roll: Page 4 shows a furniture store ad.
    The Burger King coupons are valid through 1 August.
    The AT&T Fiber ad is not included this week. What seems to have replaced it is an ad for Cricket mobile phone service. There is a Vericast coupon booklet which has intriguing offers. The flyer delivered to the abode here has the elements typical of previous weeks. The questionable 11% off advert from Menards makes another appearance. The typical standby Jewel-Osco and the Tony's Fresh Market ad (these are the ones I hang on to for the week), Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present. The two-week ad for Centro Fresh Market [4804 W. Diversey Ave.] is included.
    There is a one-page sheet from Binny's Beverage Depot. I was using a one-day Ventra pass {more about this soon}, and shopped at Binny's Portage Park, but I did not buy any of the items mentioned in this ad.
    That is it for the flyer which was delivered to 60641.

    Now for the branch. I was using a one-day Ventra pass because I might have a reapproachment with my former investment advisor. He was working for New York Life when I placed my inheiritance money with him. He later left NYL for another investment firm with which he had to agree not to contact his former clients. The non-contact clause has now expired. The time and place to meet with him was a Starbucks at Cicero & Berteau at 11:35 am.
    The meeting with him went fine. I gave him the details of what are my current holdings at NYL. At the least, I give NYL another quarter to do "better" with its funds (It replaced one of the fund's manager in November 2021.), and it is paying out monthly, so I am not in a cash flow snag.
    When it ended, I shopped at the Dollar & a quarter Tree store south of there on Cicero. I did not go through the majority of its DVDs, but did buy seven, including at least one recipient's Xmas gift. Buses on route #54 Cicero were bunching and gapping, so I walked to | from the Burger King at Milwaukee & Belle Plaine to get lunch taken out. {I did not have any coupons, so wound up with the two for $6 deal.}
    I got home; ate the Big King®s, then went back north on Cicero to the Binny's on Irving Park to get some beers.
    I got home, put away the beers, and headed downtown for the monthly Central Electric Railfans' Assoc. meeting.
    I scribe that the Chicago Transit Authority had a rough night Friday night. The CERA meeting ended. I walked back to the Jackson | Dearborn Blue Line subway station. TrainTracker showed an O'Hare train due in 10 minutes, then 5 minutes, and then...
    an announcement was made over the platform speaker that the train was having "door problems" and was standing at Clinton where someone was working on it.
    This train was taken out of service. It expelled all its passengers, extinguished its interior lights, and was run through the station, likely headed for the Rosemont yard | shops. It was a consist with both 2600-series and 3200-series cars, with a 2600 in the power position.
    In another four minutes, the next O'Hare bound “L” consist arrived.
    As was to be expected, it got quite full of passengers; most of whom detrained at Damen, Western, & California. We arrived at Belmont, where I got off. What was also distinct was that its automatic station announcement system was inoperative. The train operator made manual announcements at each station.
    Go upstairs to the westbound #77 Belmont bus stop; and the BustRacker device indicated "We're sorry. We do not know when is the next bus." or something to that effect.
    Argh. So I decided to walk to my late night destination, Sleeping Village at 3734 W. Belmont Ave.
    I walked on the north side of Belmont past two late-night bars, neither of which are my favorite, and the construction sites for more “luxury condos” [if you have to ask "How much?", you can't afford it].
    Wait. What is this? OMG- it's a plastic bag with the supermarket flyers still out here at 10:15pm on Friday night. Yes, I picked it up. I had decided I did not really need any more Burger King coupons, but clearly nobody else was interested in it.
    Sleeping Village was well-attended. I was not there for the musical act, but the bar area was crowded as well. I did manage to get a seat. No snags there. I did not check BustRacker when leaving, deducing that the Authority was having enough snags that it would be inaccurate.
    Got home. 'Let us get the Burger King coupons out of this pack now.' I informed myself.
    This pack is "Area: 0259 - Rte: V60618M1".
    Ohmigawd. Now I am disgruntled. The same outside sheath. Inside are the flyers for Jewel-Osco, Tony's, Cermak Fresh Market 18 & 16; a different Cermak Fresh Market (#6 - 4234 N. Kedzie Ave.) and the Binny's, Vericast, Menard's, and Cricket.
    But there is also flyers for Aldi, Food4Less, and Mariano's!
    Pardon my French, but WTF. 60618 get these, but not me!?
    Yes, I consider shopping all of these. I have never seen a Mariano's ad. (It is not one I look up on-line. I really dislike looking up grocer ads on-line.)
    To end this post on an 'up', I also scarfed a free copy of CS - Chicago Social glossy magazine (June) from a street box on S. Dearborn St. It looks and reads pretty good.
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  • Post #15 - June 2nd, 2022, 10:55 am
    Post #15 - June 2nd, 2022, 10:55 am Post #15 - June 2nd, 2022, 10:55 am
    Week #7: This week went back to normal.

    The outer sheath has: Page 1 - An ad for a gutter leaf protection system.
    Maybe I was too hasty about Burger King: Page 2 has no ad at all - just a solicitation to advertise in this weekly flyer. This could have been where the ten-coupon sheet from Burger King would have been. Pages 3 & 4 have competing ads for bathroom remodelers.
    There are coupons in this week's flyer, for Subway and Papa John's Pizza.
    Neither of these are chain stores I utilize, but I will save the pages anyway.
    A handful of White Castle and Kentucky Fried Chicken coupons expired on 31 May, but there are no reinforcements for them.
    The only different flyers in here this week are from Family Dollar, and for six GEICO insurance local offices.
    The flyer delivered to the abode here has the elements typical of previous weeks. The questionable 11% off advert from Menards makes yet another appearance. Does Menards believe if it keeps hammering away with "11% off"; people will be dulled to the situation that you are effectively locked in to spending what money is "saved" at Menards? This does not count as "savings" to me.
    The typical standby Jewel-Osco {This is the week when the Jewel Latinx sheet, valid through 2 August, is included.} and the Tony's Fresh Market ad {These are the ones I hang on to for the week, but I do not espy anything valuable enough to go there this week.}, Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present.
    The AT&T Fiber ad is not included this week. Neither is the Cricket mobile phone service ad.
    That is it for the flyer which was delivered to 60641.
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:
  • Post #16 - June 2nd, 2022, 5:45 pm
    Post #16 - June 2nd, 2022, 5:45 pm Post #16 - June 2nd, 2022, 5:45 pm
    Menards is a mail in rebate. You mail them your receipts, and they send you a check for 11% of whatever you bought. I have never submitted one because when they have the 11% off sales, I never buy enough to make up for the stamp I would have to use. They do this because with the pandemic, when they put stuff on sale, they had problems stocking it, and this entices people to come into the store and get whatever they want.

    BTW- You should replace your mattress. If you buy it at a mattress shop, they will deliver it for free and haul off your old mattress.
  • Post #17 - June 2nd, 2022, 7:37 pm
    Post #17 - June 2nd, 2022, 7:37 pm Post #17 - June 2nd, 2022, 7:37 pm
    NFriday wrote:Menards is a mail in rebate. You mail them your receipts, and they send you a check for 11% of whatever you bought. ... They do this because with the pandemic, when they put stuff on sale, they had problems stocking it, and this entices people to come into the store and get whatever they want.
    Menards has periodically offered the 11% rebate for years, long before the pandemic. It's not worth the 58-cent postage if you buy no more than $5.30 of eligible items, but it is if you buy more. It's a store credit, not a check, but people who are timing their purchases of even $50 of dog food or, say, a $400 bathroom vanity or $1,000 of lumber do watch and wait for the 11% rebate.
    "Your swimming suit matches your eyes, you hold your nose before diving, loving you has made me bananas!"
  • Post #18 - June 4th, 2022, 6:44 am
    Post #18 - June 4th, 2022, 6:44 am Post #18 - June 4th, 2022, 6:44 am
    Katie wrote:
    NFriday wrote:Menards is a mail in rebate. You mail them your receipts, and they send you a check for 11% of whatever you bought. ... They do this because with the pandemic, when they put stuff on sale, they had problems stocking it, and this entices people to come into the store and get whatever they want.
    Menards has periodically offered the 11% rebate for years, long before the pandemic. It's not worth the 58-cent postage if you buy no more than $5.30 of eligible items, but it is if you buy more. It's a store credit, not a check, but people who are timing their purchases of even $50 of dog food or, say, a $400 bathroom vanity or $1,000 of lumber do watch and wait for the 11% rebate.

    When you do redeem their rebates they send you a paper like postcard for the credit. Hopefully it won't get lost in the mail. You then have to remember to bring it with you when you want to use it. Overall it's a PITA in my humble opinion.

    Menards needs to wake up to the fact it's a digital world and link the rebates to an account with your phone number that you can then enter to redeem it.
  • Post #19 - June 8th, 2022, 11:28 pm
    Post #19 - June 8th, 2022, 11:28 pm Post #19 - June 8th, 2022, 11:28 pm
    Week #8: This week went on a diet.

    The outer sheath has: Page 1 - An ad for home design remodeling (closets).
    Page 2 - The same ad as last week for a gutter leaf protection system.
    Page 3 - The same ad as last week for a bathroom remodeler {With the picture of the female 'renovation expert'.}.
    Page 4 has an ad for the cigar scheme (invalid in Utah).
    No coupons for any entity at all this week. There was a possibility of a good offer from the Vericast booklet, but the ad for the Purina for Life sweepstakes hides the prizes and the odds of winning in a separate PDF file. It is a scuzzy attempt to get e-mail addresses to spam - Do not click on its QR code!. Which is really too bad, as nearly all of the cat food on the premises is from Purina. Mirko's favorite wet cat food flavor is Purina Friskies Shreds with Whitefish & Sardines in sauce.
    The flyer delivered to the abode here has the elements typical of previous weeks. The questionable 11% off advert from Menards makes yet another appearance. Does Menards believe if it keeps hammering away with "11% off"; people will be dulled to the situation that you are effectively locked in to spending what money is "saved" at Menards? This does not count as "savings" to me. I know Menards is mostly in the midwest, but if it is going to persist at puffing this bogus "savings" pitch, perhaps you and I should instead shop at Home Depot and Lowe's.
    It has the typical standby Jewel-Osco and the Tony's Fresh Market ad {Whoa. Nothing that good in the Tony's ad, but it now lists sixteen store locations}, Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present. It is time for the two-week Centro Fresh Market ad [4804 W. Diversey Ave.].
    There is no telephone or internet ad this week.
    What can I scribe? I do not do a lot of grocery shopping. When I determine I need something, my first choice is going to be Aldi, even though I now have to look its flyer up online, unlike people living in 60618. I am definitely price-conscious. I still have sixteen cans remnant of Campbell's Chunky Soup bought at Food4Less for 99¢ in January 2021.
    That is it for the flyer which was delivered to 60641.
    P. S.: Looking up full-sized mattresses, Consumer Reports scribes I should opt for the Novaform 80x60x10 (10") SoFresh Responsive Foam mattress. It is showing up for $496.11 @ Target. :?: :!:
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:
  • Post #20 - June 9th, 2022, 2:23 am
    Post #20 - June 9th, 2022, 2:23 am Post #20 - June 9th, 2022, 2:23 am
    pudgym29 wrote: Week #8: This week went on a diet.

    The outer sheath has: Page 1 - An ad for home design remodeling (closets).
    Page 2 - The same ad as last week for a gutter leaf protection system.
    Page 3 - The same ad as last week for a bathroom remodeler {With the picture of the female 'renovation expert'.}.
    Page 4 has an ad for the cigar scheme (invalid in Utah).
    No coupons for any entity at all this week. There was a possibility of a good offer from the Vericast booklet, but the ad for the Purina for Life sweepstakes hides the prizes and the odds of winning in a separate PDF file. It is a scuzzy attempt to get e-mail addresses to spam - Do not click on its QR code!. Which is really too bad, as nearly all of the cat food on the premises is from Purina. Mirko's favorite wet cat food flavor is Purina Friskies Shreds with Whitefish & Sardines in sauce.
    The flyer delivered to the abode here has the elements typical of previous weeks. The questionable 11% off advert from Menards makes yet another appearance. Does Menards believe if it keeps hammering away with "11% off"; people will be dulled to the situation that you are effectively locked in to spending what money is "saved" at Menards? This does not count as "savings" to me. I know Menards is mostly in the midwest, but if it is going to persist at puffing this bogus "savings" pitch, perhaps you and I should instead shop at Home Depot and Lowe's.
    It has the typical standby Jewel-Osco and the Tony's Fresh Market ad {Whoa. Nothing that good in the Tony's ad, but it now lists sixteen store locations}, Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present. It is time for the two-week Centro Fresh Market ad [4804 W. Diversey Ave.].
    There is no telephone or internet ad this week.
    What can I scribe? I do not do a lot of grocery shopping. When I determine I need something, my first choice is going to be Aldi, even though I now have to look its flyer up online, unlike people living in 60618. I am definitely price-conscious. I still have sixteen cans remnant of Campbell's Chunky Soup bought at Food4Less for 99¢ in January 2021.
    That is it for the flyer which was delivered to 60641.
    P. S.: Looking up full-sized mattresses, Consumer Reports scribes I should opt for the Novaform 80x60x10 (10") SoFresh Responsive Foam mattress. It is showing up for $496.11 @ Target. :?: :!:

    Sheesh. Like a book report. Too much.
  • Post #21 - June 9th, 2022, 8:09 am
    Post #21 - June 9th, 2022, 8:09 am Post #21 - June 9th, 2022, 8:09 am
    RockyDennis wrote:Sheesh. Like a book report. Too much.

    Nobody is forcing you to look. :)

    The surprise with these weekly flyers is to take your local ad page, then go to another zone. The Jewel sale page in Lake Forest is not always the same as Highland Park, especially if it has a specific coupon. Not fun for the managers on either side of the market border having to explain it is not for this store, but the one several miles away.

    An online coupon guru did find coupons offered at other Jewel stores. You changed your preferred store to this other location, clipped the coupon, then it was valid at your store when you checked out. I guess when the word got out and it was a regularly practiced, then Jewel altered their coupon system.

    I read the online ads, though my Mom enjoys reading the paper. In our packet is a Lewis Fresh in Waukegan. Depending on your route, it can be a 30 mile roundtrip. I do go up there occasionally, so I do check their sales. They do have two locations with the better managed one on Grand Avenue.

    Shop and Save on Cermak I do visit, but it has several other stores with each having specific sale pages. Yet, if you are aware and comment, they will give you the sale price from another store.


    "You'll be remembered long after you're dead if you make good gravy, mashed potatoes and biscuits." -- Nathalie Dupree
    Facebook, Twitter, Greater Midwest Foodways,
  • Post #22 - June 10th, 2022, 11:29 am
    Post #22 - June 10th, 2022, 11:29 am Post #22 - June 10th, 2022, 11:29 am
    Cathy2 wrote:In our packet is a Lewis Fresh in Waukegan...two locations with the better managed one on Grand Avenue.

    Into the weeds to expand slightly: The Lewis Av Lewis is far smaller and older than the Grand Av one. Sometimes the smaller store has better produce specials, though, maybe because it used to compete with SuperFresh, now Tony's and not as much pressure on prices.

    Anyhoo, the Grand Av location now has a large and rather nice food court in the back along with substantial deli, produce, seafood, bakery and import departments along with some different meat selections: Picanha, tri-tip, rose meat for examples. Worth a visit for anyone in eastern Lake County; it's a junior Latino version of an H Mart.
  • Post #23 - June 10th, 2022, 11:54 am
    Post #23 - June 10th, 2022, 11:54 am Post #23 - June 10th, 2022, 11:54 am
    As a Menards fan from the 1960's on, I have a slightly different take from pudgym29 on the 11% and Menards rebate offers in general. Important thing to know: When paying with a Menards rebate check, it's treated as a discount and sales tax is not charged on that portion of the sale. Among other things, that means that once you buy one of the free-with-rebate items, like the ubiquitous free safety glasses, you can continue "buying" a free one every few months without your rebates being eaten away by sales tax. I've often wondered if the way Menards handles these reflects John Menard's conservative anti-tax politics. And yup, somebody will point out that it takes a stamp to collect the rebates. But in my case, I regularly send in $50-$100 or more worth so the stamp is irrelevant.
  • Post #24 - June 10th, 2022, 11:54 am
    Post #24 - June 10th, 2022, 11:54 am Post #24 - June 10th, 2022, 11:54 am
    tjr wrote:Anyhoo, the Grand Av location now has a large and rather nice food court in the back along with substantial deli, produce, seafood, bakery and import departments along with some different meat selections: Picanha, tri-tip, rose meat for examples. Worth a visit for anyone in eastern Lake County; it's a junior Latino version of an H Mart.

    I worked an election with a guy who knows the issues between the two locations. It is a Father-Son operation with Father running Lewis Ave and Son who runs the Grand Ave store. We both agreed the Grand Ave location was better run.

    Grand Ave also offers Halal lamb (and likely other products). It has my favorite aisle labeled Yugoslav. I have met Dino from Captain Porky's there from time to time.

    I used to go more often, but my reason-to-be-there dropped out. I would get the $3 car wash on Belvidere Road east of the Expressway. I would visit Aldi, before it was relocated to Fountain Square. I would head east to Green Bay Road, though often interrupted by a Bargains in a Box (location now closed) stop. Over to Grand Ave and east to Lewis Market, then west to Jewel (if needed) and onto 41.

    Sorry to divert, but the most efficient shopping location is Milwaukee Ave in Libertyville south of 176 with Aldi's, Mariano's, Trader Joe's and Jewel. All it needs is a Woodman's, but I can catch it at Milwaukee and Deerfield Roads.


    "You'll be remembered long after you're dead if you make good gravy, mashed potatoes and biscuits." -- Nathalie Dupree
    Facebook, Twitter, Greater Midwest Foodways,
  • Post #25 - June 14th, 2022, 8:25 am
    Post #25 - June 14th, 2022, 8:25 am Post #25 - June 14th, 2022, 8:25 am

    Even though flyers come in the mail, I access the online far more often.

    Every Tuesday I check the current as well as preview the sales commencing tomorrow for Jewel and Mariano's. It may determine if I shop today or tomorrow.


    "You'll be remembered long after you're dead if you make good gravy, mashed potatoes and biscuits." -- Nathalie Dupree
    Facebook, Twitter, Greater Midwest Foodways,
  • Post #26 - June 17th, 2022, 11:15 am
    Post #26 - June 17th, 2022, 11:15 am Post #26 - June 17th, 2022, 11:15 am
    Week #9: Pretty much almost nothing worth scribing about.
    The outer sheath has: Page 1 - An ad for home design remodeling (closets) (same as last week).
    Page 2 - An ad for a home meat delivery scheme.
    Page 3 - The same ad that appeared on page 2 last week for a gutter leaf protection system.
    Page 4 again has an ad for the cigar scheme (invalid in Utah).
    No coupons for any entity at all this week.
    The flyer delivered to the abode here has the elements typical of previous weeks. Another Menards "tithe up your money with us" advert.
    There is the typical standby Jewel-Osco and Tony's Fresh Market ad
    {Whoa. Nothing that good in the Tony's ad, but in stark contrast to last week, the only stores listed as participating are the two on W. Belmont and one on N. Central.}, Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present.
    It is time for the $5.00 off a $50.00+ purchase coupon for the Angelo Caputo's stores in Elmwood Park, Addison, Carol Stream, & Hanover Park. But the fine print in it includes this line: "..and all advertised sale items." So it excludes the twenty-four items accompanying this coupon? What is the point of this flyer? Phhhhtttt. :P
    There is no telephone or internet ad this week. No ad from Aldi, Food 4 Less, or Mariano's.
    That is it for the flyer which was delivered to 60641.
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:
  • Post #27 - June 24th, 2022, 12:52 pm
    Post #27 - June 24th, 2022, 12:52 pm Post #27 - June 24th, 2022, 12:52 pm
    Week #10: An advertiser is getting desperate.

    If the outer sheath is insufficient (it's on Page 1), the gutter leaf protection system has doubled up with a one-page flyer inside the package.
    Pages 2 & 4 have competing ads for bathroom renovations. (Page 2 has the female 'renovation expert'.)
    Page 3 - An ad for 2021 U.S. $5 gold coins ('only' $225.00).
    There is a Vericast pack. Interestingly enough, there is an ad within for a third bathroom renovator.
    Ho-hum. Another Menards advert. One could perceive that the week it was not included would be the week to actually shop there.
    There is the typical standby Jewel-Osco and Tony's Fresh Market ad {Yet another variation on the stores listed in the Tony's ad. Six north side Chicago outlets and one on Mannheim Rd. in Melrose Park.}, Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] are present.
    It is time for the two-week Centro Fresh Market ad [4804 W. Diversey Ave.].
    No coupons for any fast food chains.
    There is no telephone or internet ad this week. No ad from Aldi, Angelo Caputo's, Butera, Food 4 Less, or Mariano's.
    That is it for the flyer which was delivered to 60641.
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:
  • Post #28 - June 30th, 2022, 2:06 pm
    Post #28 - June 30th, 2022, 2:06 pm Post #28 - June 30th, 2022, 2:06 pm
    Why won't you let me post?
    Is it because of a URL link?
    Or because I use character emphasis?
    Or what? :evil:
    I should not be getting this.

    You don't have permission to access this resource.
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:
  • Post #29 - June 30th, 2022, 2:22 pm
    Post #29 - June 30th, 2022, 2:22 pm Post #29 - June 30th, 2022, 2:22 pm
    Week #11: Time for action.
    No, not that type of action. But it is OK if you thought of something similar.
    The action to which I refer is that I will haul the 1987 Chevrolet Sprint out of the garage and go shopping with it.
    As was astutely mentioned last week in this rubric, the week including the 4th July features sales on soda.

    Our desperate gutter leaf protection system advertiser from last week is perservering. It is on Page 4 of the outer sheath, and the 2nd page of the enclosed Vericast coupon booklet. This booklet has a clutch of good offers, so it is not going to be trashed as it usually is.
    Page 1 has an ad for a mattress-purveying outlet. Page 2 has the ad, without the female renovation expert, for bathroom renovations. It now doubles up inside the Vericast booklet. Page 3 has an ad for paper checks. The purveyor is so hopeless, it has affixed a 'Walmart' prefix to its brand name. If you were to try to write a paper check in a grocery store checkout lane, you would get quantum more annoying glares than were you to have your cart with twenty items in the 'eight items or less' lane.
    There is a coupon booklet for Unilever products. One page of food items, and the remnants for health & beauty items.
    This is the week for fast food coupons. They are
    • Burger King {This convinces me that its left hand does not know what its right hand is doing.}
    • Wendy's
    • Subway
    • Little Caesars {Its coupons are scant. I like its pizza, but Domino's (must buy two) two-topping medium pizza $5.99 each carryout offer, with the second item not having to be pizza is superior.}
    Am I going to stroll through a neighborhood looking for unclaimed packages? Probably not, because I will be busy doing other stuff this extended weekend.
    Ohmigawd. There's another Menards advert. I muse that Menard's really wanted to be a grocery store, but it would not have been allowed to open in a strip mall with a more full-functional grocer. So it flexed to become a 'hardware' store.
    We have the Geico local office flyer (6 agents). We have a Binny's ad (not really a surprise). The outlier is a flyer for the Baxton Studio furniture store [Locations in Aurora, Chicago, & Lombard.].
    There are as well the Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], and Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] ads.
    For 60641, there is no ad from Aldi, Angelo Caputo's, Butera, Food 4 Less, or Mariano's.

    Finally, there is no telephone or internet ad this week.
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:
  • Post #30 - July 1st, 2022, 9:09 pm
    Post #30 - July 1st, 2022, 9:09 pm Post #30 - July 1st, 2022, 9:09 pm
    Let's see if I can post this now.
    Hmph. Week #11: Time for action.
    No, not that type of action. But it is OK if you thought of something similar.
    The action to which I refer is that I will haul the 1987 Chevrolet Sprint out of the garage and go shopping with it.
    As was astutely mentioned last week in this rubric, the week including the 4th July features sales on soda.

    Our desperate gutter leaf protection system advertiser from last week is perservering. It is on Page 4 of the outer sheath, and the 2nd page of the enclosed Vericast coupon booklet. This booklet has a clutch of good offers, so it is not going to be trashed as it usually is.
    Page 1 has an ad for a mattress-purveying outlet. Page 2 has the ad, without the female renovation expert, for bathroom renovations. It now doubles up inside the Vericast booklet. Page 3 has an ad for paper checks. The purveyor is so hopeless, it has affixed a 'Walmart' prefix to its brand name. If you were to try to write a paper check in a grocery store checkout lane, you would get quantum more annoying glares than were you to have your cart with twenty items in the 'eight items or less' lane.
    There is a coupon booklet for Unilever products. One page of food items, and the remnants for health & beauty items.
    This is the week for fast food coupons. They are
    • Burger King {This convinces me that its left hand does not know what its right hand is doing.}
    • Wendy's
    • Subway
    • Little Caesars {Its coupons are scant. I like its pizza, but Domino's (must buy two) two-topping medium pizza $5.99 each carryout offer, with the second item not having to be pizza is superior.}
    Am I going to stroll through a neighborhood looking for unclaimed packages? No, because I will be busy doing other stuff this extended weekend.
    Ohmigawd. There's another Menards advert. I muse that Menard's really wanted to be a grocery store, but it would not have been allowed to open in a strip mall with a more full-functional grocer. So it flexed to become a 'hardware' store with a grocery section.
    We have the Geico local office flyer (6 agents). We have a Binny's ad (not really a surprise). The outlier is a flyer for the Baxton Studio furniture store [Locations in Aurora, Chicago, & Lombard.].
    There are as well the Cermak Produce #2 [4401 W. Armitage], and Cermak Fresh Market #18 [5129 W. Belmont Ave. - a former Jewel-Osco store], Cermak Fresh Market #16 [4000 W. Diversey Ave.] ads.
    For 60641, there is no ad from Aldi, Angelo Caputo's, Butera, Food 4 Less, or Mariano's.
    I took it upon myself to look up those ads online. It was a good move I did.

    A check of my records disclosed that the last time I shopped for soda was 3 September 2020. I paid $2.99 / 12-pack 12-oz. cans. I bought sixteen 12-packs @ Tony's (1 store), and Jewel-Osco (2 stores).
    I was down to four 12-packs, and two partial 12-packs (of brands I ultimately could not consume, will not again purchase, and would be off-loaded at an LTHF picnic if it occurred). None of them are diet drinks, which is important because they have all gone past the drink-by dates on the can bottoms.
    {In the fridge now is Fanta Strawberry and Sprite. The four remaining full 12-packs are Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Pepsi, Pepsi w/real sugar, & Cherry Coca-Cola.}
    Both Food 4 Less and Mariano's have a sale on 12-packs of 12-oz. soda: 4 / $12.88. That is 3.22 per 12-pack.
    The Jewel-Osco and Tony's Fresh Market ads sales are 3 / $9.99, with Tony's limiting sale quantity to 'three'. Is that 3 of Coca-Cola products, 3 of Pepsi products, 3 of 7-Up / Dr. Pepper products, or a total of three - period?
    The answer was three, period. However, you might be able to get three additional 12-packs by asking for a refund at the service counter of those for which you were charged 6.99. A manager may refund the 20.97 and open another tab for you charging only 3.33 each. [$12.08] That is 3.33 per 12-pack.
    Eleven cents will not be discommended. Depending on the brands in stock at Food 4 Less and Mariano's (I seldom buy more than two 12-packs of the same soda.), I purchased eight 12-packs there. This was the first grocer shopped. But not the one in Chicago: The one in Melrose Park.
    I did shop a Tony's. The Tony's ad shows sixteen stores. It just opened a store in Joliet, and these prices may apply there, but this is unofficial. But with the 1987 Sprint, the Tony's is in Melrose Park. Tony's also has a solid deal on a 12-pack of 12-oz bottles of Leinenkugel's beer, which hopefully will be besides the shandies, or the shandy mix-packs, for $9.99 (x2) - No, in Melrose Park, it was just the shandies. I did not buy that. However, there is a deal on Vlasic relish, both sweet and dill, 10-oz. 99¢. I could go to another Tony's, probably on the bus, to get more dill relish, but also to see if it has a wider selection of Leinenkugel's beer, and a soda brand not seen elsewhere.
    The Jewel-Osco also has a Just4U offer of $1.00 off three 12-packs of Crush soda, or Schweppes Ginger Ale. There is a posted limit of twelve 12-packs at Jewel-Osco, on multiples of three. The Jewel-Osco I shopped was on S. York Rd. in Bensenville (performing tax avoidance here).
    I would buy a 12-pack of Coca-Cola Starlight if I espied it on a shelf here, but it seems Coca-Cola is limiting both the size of its package and the shops where it is available. I did not glimpse it. What was mildly surprising was Coca-Cola Vanilla and Coca-Cola Cherry Vanilla.
    As to why my shopping route was such, I had not refuelled the 1987 Sprint since 12 December 2020 ($2.49 / g.). A check of Gas Buddy displayed fuel prices of $5.29 / gallon for 87 octane along IL-83 in Bensenville. From that Jewel-Osco, I motored north to Irving Park Rd. on IL-83. The Speedway on Irving Park Rd. just east of IL-83 was charging $5.19 / g. So I refuelled there. The Japanese owners of Speedway [7 & i Holdings] have improved this station. The Laredo Taco concession is present. Note: You either inform it how much you want to spend, or how many gallons you want. I knew I was very close to empty, so I paid for eight gallons. The 1987 Sprint's gas tank is 8.6 gallons.
    So the total number of 12-packs obtained was twenty-three (8+6+9).

    Finally, there is no telephone or internet ad this week.
    The roster of 12-packs bought is here.
    Valuable links for survival, without the monetization attempt:









