As part of state budget negotiations this year, lawmakers approved Pritzker’s plan to eliminate the statewide 1 percent grocery tax beginning in 2026. He signed that provision into law on Monday.
The revenue from the state grocery tax goes to municipal governments, rather than state coffers. To make up for those lost revenues, the law allows counties and municipalities to levy their own 1 percent grocery taxes by passing an ordinance, rather than needing a referendum.
It also gives non-home rule municipalities the authority to impose sales taxes by up to 1 percent without a referendum.
Some local govt reps have been quoted as being annoyed about it. I'm not surprised, because if they still want that revenue and have to pass local ordinances to get it, they will have to answer for it to their own constituents at the ballot box.ekreider wrote:I will be stunned if most municipalities do not pass their own 1% tax.