Post #1 - August 7th, 2024, 1:15 pmPost #1 - August 7th, 2024, 1:15 pm
I do not know just who declares a website "dangerous", but I have used Gulfupp enough times to know it is OK. I think Google is acting "islamophobic". The URL is ultimately a .jpg.
It is time for another contest. I think this one is going to be very challenging. Despite the amount of background it has. Because of the paucity of guesses, I'll give these clues: It is a grilled chicken sandwich & french fries.
It is not from Popeye's.
It is not from Kentucky Fried Chicken.
It is not from Burger King.
It is not from McDonald's.
It is not from Church's.
It is not from Wendy's.
It is not from Rally's | Checkers.
It is not from Five Guys.
It is not from Epic Burger.
It is not from Shake Shack.
Nonetheless, I am stunned that nobody has even made a guess. If a venue is not mentioned on Eater or WhatUp Chicago, you are clueless