I had a chance to sample a ton of stuff over the past week, much of it (everything below, except the first three) purchased at Central Market in Austin. Unfortunately, my memory is a little foggy so I won't be able to give very detailed reviews.
AJ Stephans Birch Beer: Fantastic stuff. I generally prefer birch beer to root beer (and I'm a huge root beer lover), and this is one of the best. A.
Walt's Cherry: This tasted like cherry cough syrup. I have no desire to try it again, but it was a beautiful bottle. Too bad the flavor didn't live up -- too sweet, too lightly carbonated, too fake. D.
Coca Cola (Holland): Honestly, I need to do a 4 or 5 way taste test between this, mexican, canadian, passover american, and regular american. It's clearly made with real sugar, but I couldn't tell you if the formula is genuinely different from what North America gets. A- (even the best Coca Cola isn't perfect..)
Reed's Cherry Ginger Brew: The one loser of the Reed's sodas. Too much cherry for too little ginger, and I'm just not convinced cherry and ginger go that well together. I don't know, I just didn't love it. C.
Guarana Antarctica: I can remember virtually nothing of this soda, which must mean it didn't offend me and didn't excite me, especially since it's only been two days since I had it. Let's give it a C also.
Frostie Kranberry Kringle: One of the most vile sodas I've ever had. Harsh cranberry and fake fake citrus, and unbelievably sweet. I took about 3 sips and dumped the rest. Ugh. F.
Cock 'n Bull Ginger Beer: My memory of this one is that it had a very very very strong ginger burn. I like my ginger beers hot, but this one was nearly unbearable. The flavor was great, though, and it would clearly make a great mixer, or on ice. Straight from the bottle, it's a little much for me. B.
D&G Ginger Beer: The flavor of Cock 'n Bull without the harsh burn. I could drink this every day, although I think it's still not quite as good as Bundaberg. A-.
Maine Root Ginger Brew: The burn of Cock 'n Bull without the flavor. Well, not quite, but pretty non-descript. C.
Maine Root Blueberry: Most of these Maine Root sodas were a letdown. They were beautifully cloudy, sugar-sweetened, nicely designed, but the flavors just weren't there. This paled in comparison to Izze Blueberry, its only real competition. It's just an average soda. C.
Maine Root Mandarin: The best of the Maine Roots, it wasn't too sweet and had a great genuine orange flavor. Again, it wasn't quite as good as Izze Clementine. I think if they boost the amount of orange extract/juice it could be the best orange soda with a water base (Izze is all fruit juice based) on the market. B+.
Maine Root Lemon Lime: Meh. C.
Ting: Fantastic genuine grapefruit flavor, cloudy, not too sweet, bright and fresh. Truly refreshing. A-
"Dublin" Dr. Pepper: Dublin is in quotes because 99.9% of Dublin Dr. Pepper you see is bottled/canned at the Temple plant, not the Dublin plant, as you can see above. Apparently the only Dr. Pepper that's actually produced in Dublin is sold in 10 oz. returnable bottles. Temple takes Dublin syrup, adds carbonated water, and ships the cans and bottles back to Dublin. I don't know if I'll ever have the real thing, but this is damned good, just like the West Jefferson NC stuff was. A.