I would think garden produce that doesn't need to be refrigerated --- tomatoes, zucchini, etc. --- can be treated like any other groceries that can be held at room temperature for a few days to ensure safety from virus transmission. Move them out of the hot sun into the garage or a pantry shelf , somewhere safe from mice, for a few days, and they should be just fine, especially if subsequently washed.
Now, that's what the recipient could do; I understand that your question is, what can the giver do? I like your first suggestion to invite people to come to your garden and pick what they want, but for those who are shy about doing that, would it help to suggest the above to them --- that you bring them some produce that they can just put aside somewhere for a few days, or wash right away if they feel more comfortable with that?
As for the canning/freezing option, I don't have any advice about cucumbers and the like, but as for tomatoes, if you're not up for canning or freezing a bunch, maybe you could ask a few neighbors and find out if one of them is?
Also, I can't vouch for this personally, but I've read that excess whole tomatoes can just be tossed in bags and frozen (
https://www.homemadefoodjunkie.com/free ... oes-whole/).
"Your swimming suit matches your eyes, you hold your nose before diving, loving you has made me bananas!"