I was searching for Kauai, HI and this was the only dedicated thread I found:
viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38796&sp=468935 - seemed odd that the only post on this one island was a recipe for poke, but whatever.
Today I was searching for it again, to post my food-related travelogue and that came up, but so did this - AND it showed that there was a whole lot more that I had not seen before our trip

viewtopic.php?p=463918 So what happened that when I clicked on that first link (found via Google search "kauai site:lthforum.com") none of the rest of the postings showed up? I am really sad that I didn't see all these great recommendations before we went!
SAVING ONE DOG may not change the world,
but it CHANGES THE WORLD for that one dog.
American Brittany Rescue always needs foster homes. Please think about helping that one dog.