sdritz wrote:I know they are opening a new store on Michigan Avenue which will have more seating, but unfortunately it is farther from my office and I won't be visiting it.
sdritz wrote:I really must stop at Hannah's Bretzel more often -- the sandwich, with a handful of almonds (my choice instead of chips), was the perfect lunch.
ab wrote:Anyway, I found Hannah's to be incredibly pricey, bland and meager sandwiches. I didn't try the soup however.
smellen wrote:"This month Hannah’s is opening in Illinois Center at 233 N. Michigan Ave. Hours will cater to the business crowd: Monday through Friday 7am to 5pm, closed Saturdays and Sundays."
from: ... g0612.html
I was just in the Illinois Center Pedway today, I didn't notice any obvious storefronts, but than again I wasn't really looking.
LSqMike wrote:I was just in the Illinois Center Pedway today, I didn't notice any obvious storefronts, but than again I wasn't really looking.
I went looking for it today, and found it, but it's not open yet. It's down a bit from Cosi (must be...East? of Cosi).
oh yea.cilantro wrote:Daley Plaza?
Hannah's 131 S. Dearborn location will be giving sandwiches away during the free hours indicated below, but Hannah's official regular hours will begin next Thursday or Friday.
MONDAY 11.29
12:30pm = 25 customers for lunch sandwich + side + beverage
1:30pm = 25 customers for lunch sandwich + side + beverage
8:00am = 25 customers for breakfast sandwich + beverage
12:30pm = 50 customers for lunch sandwich + side + beverage or large soup + bretzel + beverage or salad + beverage
1:30pm = 50 customers for lunch sandwich + side + beverage or large soup + bretzel + beverage or salad + beverage
8:00am = 25 customers for breakfast sandwich + beverage
11:30am = 100 customers for lunch sandwich + side + beverage or large soup + bretzel + beverage or salad + beverage
FREE BRETZEL HAND OUTS ON ADAMS = numerous Bretzels per day on 11.29 / 11.30 / 12.1 will be handed out in front of the store.
claypoolfan wrote:Bumping this to note that a new Hannah's is set to open at 400 N Lasalle (at Kinzie) this fall. Just a block away from my office so I'm pretty excited. ... _fall_2011
Hannah’s Bretzel’s LaSalle Location Will Soon Move to the Merchandise Mart