Henry has his second largest tomato picking for the season at the Evanston market tomorrow. He is having specials on bulk sales of tomatoes. He is also having cherry tomatoes on sale 2/$7. Henry is also having his #2 potatoes and peppers 50% off, and has the last of his basil for 2 bunches for $6. The weather is going to get much colder starting tonight, and so this is going to be the last week Henry is going to have any basil, or any appreciable amount of peppers, zucchini and tomatoes. Get all of your hot weather veggies tomorrow while you can. Henry will also have lots of greens including lettuce, and turnips and radishes tomorrow. This will be a big week for his Japanese turnips with greens. I love his Japanese turnips.
Tomorrow is the day Henry is having his annual gathering at his farm, and this year, 200 people are signed up for it. This means that Henry will have to get there early so he can do more farm tours. This means that you should get to the market earlier than you normally do. Henry is going to show up at the farm to give tours at 12:00. I don't know if that means that he will pack up his stand before 10:00, or if he will get a ride from somebody else, and will ask one of his helpers at the market to drive the truck down later.
I bought some wormy corn from Nichols last week. A lot of people passed on it because every ear had been visited by worms. I just cut off the ends of the ears, but it was a dirty job. The corn was okay once I cleaned it up, but it was a little more mature than I would have liked. I would be surprised if they have corn again tomorrow.
I will be surprised if anybody has peaches tomorrow. The peaches I have gotten for the last several weeks from Koeningshof's, my Sister told me a few days ago are called Big George. This particular variety does not produce really good, and so the peaches have more room to grow. They are part of the Flaming Fury set of peaches.
Like I said earlier, if you want tomatoes, tomorrow is the last day to get a large quantity of them. The same goes for all of the other hot weather veggies such as peppers, zucchini, eggplant, green beans, and basil. Hope this helps, Nancy